How many Incident Requests are resolved within the same day?

Do you use System Center Service Manager, and do you or your boss want to know how many Incident Requests the support team are resolving within the same day as it was created? If yes, then you are on the right blog post. Run the query below against the Data Warehouse database DWDataMart, and you will get a monthly trend report on resolved Incident Requests. Configure variables in the Query There are two variable in the Query you need to configure before you run it. SET @Year = 2014; define the year the request was resolved SET @Supportgroup = '1. [...]

By |2014-12-05T08:20:00+01:00december 5th, 2014|Service Manager (SCSM)|Kommentarer lukket til How many Incident Requests are resolved within the same day?

Links and downloads from SCU 2014 in Basel

Below is a list of the links and scripts that I used in my two sessions today on Compliance Management and Troubleshooting ConfigMgr. Compliance examples – download Configuration Manager Support Center: Microsoft System center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager Toolkit: Optimizing ConfigMgr database: Background on maintenance task: Configuring SQL Backup and recovery, includes link to demo: Autmating the WSUS Cleanup process SQL PowerShell audit script Splitting existing ConfigMgr database into multiple SQL files Pre-creating the database before installing Configmgr – download script SQL Script to for fragmentation on the SQL DB   Checking [...]

By |2014-09-19T18:30:27+01:00september 19th, 2014|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|4 Comments

System Center 2012 ConfigMgr Advanced infrastructure session notes

Here are the promised links to our demos from the advanced infrastructure session @MMS 2013 in Las Vegas. View the session on channel 9 and download slides: Working with Management Point and SQL replicas: Step-bystep guide to create a Management Point replica: Video on setting up a Management point replica:  Working with Software Updates: Software Updates: Installing Workgroup clients: Orchestrator runbook by Andreas Falck to install Workgroup clients with PKI Distribution Points and WAN: Coretech Distribution Point Utilization Monitor: Brian Mason on twitter: @AbetterPC Brian Mason blog: Kent Agerlund on twitter: @Agerlund

By |2013-04-17T13:58:43+01:00april 17th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|7 Comments

Property reference with id {XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} in workflow cannot be resolved

  Today i was creating a new management pack in the Authoring Console. When I saved I didn’t get any errors, neither did I when I imported it. Shortly after event 1201 (management pack received), I received this event:     I know this is a problem with my newly created management pack, but the property reference id {8F538D63-86DA-C149-3C84-1F1AACE2DF930} doesn’t make any sense to me (I doubt it does for anybody). Resolution: To resolve this id, run this query against the OperationsManager database.   SELECT MT.TypeName, MTP.ManagedTypePropertyName FROM ManagedTypeProperty as MTP, ManagedType as MT WHERE MTP.ManagedTypePropertyId = '8F538D63-86DA-C149-3C84-1F1AACE2DF930' AND MTP.ManagedTypeId = [...]

By |2013-01-28T14:48:28+01:00januar 28th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|2 Comments

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SQL recommendations

I have two SQL related question that comes up in all of my ConfigMgr 2012 projects. Those are:   · Where are we going to install the SQL server? · How are we going to configure SQL? Where are we going to install the SQL server Answering the first question often ends in a political discussion between the ConfigMgr. administrators on one side and the SQL DBA’s on the other side. Most of the ConfigMgr. administrators that I know, strongly believe in having a local SQL installation. I’m also a true believer of that for several reasons. Remote SQL installations [...]

By |2017-12-18T16:11:50+01:00august 18th, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|29 Comments